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黑人民權運動 非裔美國文化 討論平台

從五月二十六日以來,由於非裔美國人長期以來受不平等待遇的情形並無好轉,世界各地開始響應Black Lives Matter(黑人的命也是命、黑命無價)的民權運動。

The attention to Black Lives Matter has grown to a global scale because the plight of African American has not changed.


Because of the geographic distance, most people in Taiwan have lack of understanding of the Black Lives Matter Movement, which has the same root of the birth of jazz.


With the situation of the pandemic and the history of our culture, Taiwanese have been very sensitive and extra-careful when it comes to politics. 


However, international jazz community has benefitted from African American culture. We won't have jazz if not for the very existence of the African American life experience.


Jazz is a creation of the positive practice of the inclusion in spite of the circumstances of the exclusion faced by its creators. Some might argue that African American culture is not the only element of jazz, but we must remember that the global diversity of jazz began when a segregated African American army band brought jazz to Europe, even as they were representing a country which oppressed them at home and on the battlefield.  Therehence is another example of how African American has been discriminated by mainstream culture from the past to these days.

Black Lives Matter是2013年開始美國發起的新一波黑人民權運動,主要訴求是停止對弱勢團體在司法、教育、社會福利以及經濟等方面的體制實施上的不平等。

Black Lives Matter is a new wave of black civil right movement, which started in 2013. The movement seeks to end institutional practices, which allow for inequities in judicial, educational, social and economic outcomes in all disadvantaged groups.

爵士樂是個人表達自由,同時又體現樂手之間合作互動,與觀眾對談的藝術形式。而自由、合作與對話正是民主重要的成分。Black Lives Matter運動積極為弱勢爭取平等的精神,也呼應了台灣一直以來對國際的訴求。

Jazz is an art form of expressing freedom through collaboration and communication -- an intrinsic component of democracy. And Black Lives Matter Movement‘s spirit of fighting for minorities echoes what the Taiwanese aim to be a recognized member of the global community.

在此,希望藉由這個爵士音樂工作者的交流平台,提供對Black Lives Matter運動以及非裔美國文化的討論空間。

On this platform, we would like to create a space for having the conversation about African American culture history and raising the awareness of the Black Lives Matter Movement 

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